anyway, while browsing the web with the better half of the keen eyes, we stumbled across a great new (to us) blog: another shade of grey.
this girl, we swear, is equipped with an etsy-sense like no other! she makes it look easy - all that browsing and searching and viewing - and somehow posts the best finds on etsy we've ever seen. from jewelry to pottery to prints and paper, she's really got the nose.
i mean, these caramel swirl earrings (or these lucite ones)? this zipper pouch? the whole thing is a joy to browse. and the girl's even got her own etsy shop! we're impressed!
1 comment:
Loving that blog! You guys should also check out More Ways to Waste Time: http://morewaystowastetime.blogspot.com/
I can't navigate Etsy on my own, either, so it's delightful when other people manage to claw up the good stuff.
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